Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Soaring Turkey

The definition of soar, when used as a verb means “to ascend to a higher or more exalted level.” We are always told to that we should never settle for anything less than your best.

Have you ever asked the question, “What exactly is my best?” Are you actually striving to be the best that you can be? Can your best be considered great? Here is a quick game for you. Look at the person nearest to you, whether at the office or school. Now imagine a turkey sitting in that same spot, doing exactly what a turkey does – Nothing. Now tell yourself who/what you would rather have sitting next to you… The decision isn’t that easy huh?

The first thing out of my mouth, four of the five working days, is “Oh Shit Man!” But I still roll over, head to the shower and run down the street to catch the bus. Why? Because I made a commitment to my employer to be there, rain or shine, to carry out the “mission” of the organization. Why then is my boss not bound to that same commitment? Why does he send an email expounding on the glorious day outside, and his decision to “work from home”?

SIDE NOTE: I think there should be an official ban on working from home, as it constitutes nothing but an opportunity for incompetent individuals to catch up on re-runs of Different Strokes and ESPN First Take. I take the privilege to WFH very seriously, as I wake up at the same time, shower and put on my clothes as if I am about to leave the house… All of this without the obligatory “Oh Shit Man!”

How have certain people gotten to where they are today? Yeah, I understand that it’s all about who you know, and all that stuff… But quite frankly I wouldn’t hire Jesus Christ if he couldn’t wrap his mind around why we need to provide an invoice to a client. Actually, Jesus did demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team, and his leadership qualities were outstanding… At least that’s what was written on his cover letter…

I frequently find myself thinking about Oliver Wendell Holmes' quote: “Greatness is not where we stand, but in what direction we are moving.” However, isn’t it also said that “No man is an island”??? It is true that we do not thrive when isolated from others, but imagine an island with 2 million turkeys all gobbling and having a good time… How many of them do you think will ever develop the ability to pack their belongings and bid adieu as they embark on a journey towards greatness?

BUT WAIT NAH… Am I saying that it is impossible to make something of yourself, when you are surrounded by incompetents? Nope… I’m just saying that it ain’t easy at all. This blog isn’t gonna trash any person, any group, or any belief… But it will definitely bring to question many of the aspects of our society that we indulge in, take for granted, or simply never spent a second reflecting on.

Remember… Turkeys can fly well enough to avoid predators by taking off and flying for short distances. This is a useful survival trait, but sooner or later you're going to end up regretting not trying to get to a higher altitude...

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